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Multi-Channel CX Studies

The Multi-Channel (also known as touchpoints) Customer Experience Study uses customer surveys to capture feedback when using a call center and another contact channel (e.g., web self-service, email, IVR/IVA self-service, chat, and social media) to resolve the same inquiry or problem.

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Multi-Channel Customer Experience Benchmarking and Tracking

SQM’s multi-channel post-call survey has a proven track record for measuring the attributes that accurately assess and benchmark your omni-channel customer satisfaction (Csat), one contact resolution, customer effort, call deflection, and CX improvement opportunities. A random sample of post-contact conversational AI telephone surveys is conducted with customers who had a transaction with your call center and, in many cases, another contact channel. SQM's research shows that approximately 20% of customers calling a call center also used another contact channel (e.g., email, web self-service, IVR/IVA self-service, chat, or social media) to resolve their same inquiry or problem.

The Multi-Channel CX post-contact customer study consists of:

  • Altogether, approximately 2000 post-contact surveys
  • 1600 of the total surveys are only 2 minutes long for customers who only used one contact channel
  • 400 of the total surveys are 5 minutes long for customers who used multiple channels

Multi-Channel CX Benchmarking Study

A one-time study that takes 2-3 weeks to complete. The post-contact customer survey is completed using conversational IVR and telephone survey methods with SQM’s in-house Telephone Survey Representatives. SQM benchmarks your contact center’s multi-channel CX delivery against the performance of over 500 leading North American contact centers. SQM Benchmarking Study participation qualifies your contact center for multi-channel CX awards.

Multi-Channel Benchmarking Report

A 50-page multi-channel customer experience benchmarking report will be delivered to you and your management team via onsite consultation or a video conference call with a senior SQM consultant. The report will outline your performance for multi-channel Csat, omni-channel, CX greatness, seamless effort, and one contact resolution. You will also receive best practices for delivering a seamless effort for multi-channel CX.

a graph with two colored bars alternating down 5 metrics with a laptop and phone in the bottom corner.

A thin gray line with a hexagon.

Multi-Channel CX Tracking Study

An ongoing study conducting surveys on a daily or weekly basis. Surveys can be conducted using any of our survey options. Customer feedback notifications are sent to you in real-time through mySQM™ Customer Service QA software and can be accessed through mobile devices, tablets, or desktop devices. SQM Tracking Study participation qualifies your contact center for multi-channel CX awards.

Multi-Channel Tracking Report

A quarterly multi-channel customer experience tracking report will be delivered to you and your management team via a video conference call with a senior SQM consultant outlining your multi-channel customer experience and business impact performance. Real-time access to your customer survey information is available to all levels of staff through mySQM™ Customer Service QA software.

customer satisfaction research

SQM’s Multi-Channel Customer Experience Study will provide the following:

High level and detailed multi-channel Csat, CX Greatness, Seamless Effort, Omni-Channel CX, FCR, and One Contact Resolution ratings.
Benchmarking comparison to industry peers, average, and World-Class North American contact centers.
FCR - Identify, Develop, Check, and Act (IDCA) Improvement Cycle.
The impacts of your multi-channel customer experience on your organization's ability to retain customers or the likelihood of your customers recommending your organization. For customer experience insights, we use first call resolution, one contact resolution, customer satisfaction, net promoter score, and net retention index metrics.
The failure reasons why your customers were not able to resolve their inquiry or problem in the initial contact channel they used.
Your customers' contact channel preference for resolving their inquiry or problem.
Amount of revenue the contact center protected and lost.
Unresolved contacts' impact on operating cost.
Top 5 repeat contact reasons and their improvement opportunity for financial savings.
Targeted opportunities for providing seamless effort multi-channel CX.
Entry into SQM’s Customer Experience Awards.
Access to SQM’s best practice consulting.
Best practices for improving and providing great multi-channel CX.
Data collection on failure reasons for other channels' usage.
Full text reports of customer verbatim survey feedback.
Full coding of customer verbatim survey feedback.
Ability to manage quota at an agent level, providing personal accountability to the Voice of the Customer.
Tracking and trending KPI performance by contact types, locations, and segments of the contact center.
Conducting post-touchpoint (e.g., call center, chat, email, website) customer experience surveys on a daily or weekly basis. Surveys options (e.g., conversational IVR, phone, IVR, and email).
Real-time notifications of customer dissatisfaction (Action Alerts).
Ability to track service recovery of customer Action Alerts.
Ability to link QA to customer surveys.
Ability to capture and report coaching actions.
Real-time web based reporting, pre-formatted reports and sophisticated database analytical tools.

All tracking study data is captured, analyzed, and reported using mySQM™ Customer Service QA software.