Call Center Employee Experience Benchmarking and Tracking
These studies are different from traditional HR employee satisfaction studies because they are focused on measuring and benchmarking the effectiveness of your Customer Experience (CX) business practices (i.e., people, process, and technology), and provide insights for improving CX. SQM is viewed by the contact center industry as being the thought leader and the gold standard for measuring, benchmarking, and improving CX and EX. A random sample of contact center EX surveys is conducted using an email invite survey method. SQM’s contact center EX survey has a proven track record for measuring the attributes that accurately assess and benchmark employee satisfaction, engagement, and effectiveness with the contact center’s business practices for improving and providing great CX.
Employee Satisfaction/Engagement Benchmarking Study
A one-time employee satisfaction/engagement study that takes 2-3 weeks to complete. The contact center employee experience survey is completed using an email survey method. The employee survey uses rating and open-ended questions and takes 15 minutes or less to complete. SQM benchmarks your contact center employee experience delivery against the performance of over 250 leading North American contact centers. SQM’s benchmarking study also qualifies your contact center to become eligible for employee experience awards.
Benchmarking Report
A 50-page benchmarking report will be delivered to you and your management team via an onsite consultation visit or by a video conference call. A senior SQM consultant will share your contact center’s employee satisfaction with your people, process, and technology CX business practices effectiveness for improving and providing great CX and EX. SQM will share best practices that have been validated for improving FCR and providing great CX and EX.

Employee Satisfaction/Engagement Tracking Study
An ongoing employee satisfaction/engagement study conducts employee satisfaction surveys on a monthly or quarterly basis. The call center employee experience survey is completed using an email survey method. Surveys can be customized to meet your needs. Employee feedback and ratings are available in real-time through mySQM™ Customer Service QA software and can be accessed through a mobile device, tablet, or desktop device. SQM’s tracking study also qualifies your contact center to become eligible for employee experience awards.
Tracking Report
A formal quarterly or semi-annual report will be delivered to you and your management team via a video conference call with a senior SQM consultant sharing your contact center’s employee satisfaction with your people, process, and technology CX business practices effectiveness for improving FCR and providing great CX. Real-time access to your employee survey information is available to managers through mySQM™ Customer Service QA software.

SQM's Call Center Employee Experience Study will provide the following:
All tracking study data is captured, analyzed, and reported using mySQM™ Customer Service QA software.