What is Customer Service Coaching Storytelling?
Customer service storytelling is a communication and supervisor coaching practice used with all agents to improve customer service performance. Storytelling assists supervisors in delivering a message in a way that coaches, engages, and inspires agents and helps them understand what great customer service looks like.
Great customer service storytelling is a communication method to gain agent buy-in. Compelling storytelling can capture both the hearts and minds of agents to deliver the intended customer service.
Are you a new supervisor? Or a tenured supervisor looking for ways to improve your team's customer service performance? Or have you recently been promoted to oversee a group of supervisors and need some direction on what a world-class Csat supervisor does? If so, you're in the right place! Each year SQM compiles a library of supervisory Csat coaching stories from our customer service award-winning clients, including our Supervisor of the Year Award.
These stories are about how a supervisor coached an agent to work on their knowledge, skills, and abilities for a call type that they historically were unable to resolve and improve customer service. Moreover, learn how high-performing supervisors coach poor Csat performing agents and turn them into great Csat performers.
Customer Service Coaching Storytelling Can Facilitate:
- Agent understanding what great customer service looks like
- Creating and reinforcing customer service-centricity
- Describing great and poor customer service
- Inspiration and motivation to improve CX
- Making intellectual and emotional connections
- Helping customers and agents relate
- Customer empathy and caring
- Sharing of the business case for enhancing CX
- Providing a memorable positive CX
- Background insights for improving CX
- What customers think or feel about their CX
- Bringing CX improvement ideas to life
- Engaging agents on how to deliver great CX
- Draw agents into the story, so they listen
- Helping agents to remember what they learned
The Power of Great Customer Service Coaching Storytelling
Customer service storytelling communication and VoC coaching include the following:
- Customer issue or problem
- Thinking and feelings of the customer
- Impact on company goals
- Intended customer service experience
While many contact centers try to provide great customer service, only 5% provide world-class customer service, and only a few of those companies have become legendary for it. Many supervisors and agents struggle with understanding what great customer service looks like.
Great customer service storytelling is a best practice for supervisors to use to help all agents understand and emulate to deliver a memorable positive customer experience (CX). In addition, great customer service storytelling can help create and reinforce a customer service-centric culture, which can be the catalyst for delivering customer service at the world-class customer satisfaction (Csat) level.
To inspire you, we've presented 6 of the best customer service coaching stories from award-winning Csat supervisors. The supervisors referred to in these success stories have been certified by SQM as award-winning FCR, Csat, and call resolution performers. The customer service stories are the "best of the best FCR and CX stories" from a collection of thousands of CX success stories submitted to SQM by our clients.
Each customer service story illustrates what a supervisor did to coach an agent to deliver great customer service. We hope the 6 stories provide you with some good insights into what great customer service coaching looks like and your agents can emulate.
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