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mySQM™ Auto QA Software ROI Calculator

Use our Return on Investment (ROI) calculator to provide a clear and quantifiable measure of the profitability of an investment in Auto QA.

Discover Auto QA ROI Opportunities

Discover your ROI opportunity by using mySQM™ Auto QA software. As a result of our mySQM™ Auto QA tool, our clients' financial ROI is up to 600%, and the payback period is 3 months or less. Using our Auto QA, you will reduce your quality assurance costs and improve your call center customer satisfaction (CSat). Many clients increase their CSat/FCR performance, reducing repeat calls by up to 10%.

Up to 600% ROI in the First Year: For most call centers, auto QA solutions typically generate a 300% to 400% return within the first year. This means companies get back between $4 and $5 in savings for every dollar spent on the auto QA system.

Predicting Customer Satisfaction (CSat): The ability to predict CSat on 100% of calls provides tremendous insights and agent accountability. Every 1% improvement in CSat can save a typical call center around $286,000 annually. Therefore, improvement in call center CSat further enhances the financial ROI.

Cost Reduction in Manual QA: Manual QA requires human reviewers, which can be expensive due to the need for staff, training, and time. Auto QA systems can handle a much larger volume of calls, analyzing a higher percentage or even 100% of interactions.

Lower Handling Costs: Resolving issues more efficiently and satisfactorily can decrease the average handle time (AHT) per call and reduce operational costs. Shorter calls mean fewer resource demands (e.g., labor and telecom costs).

Using Our ROI Calculator

Our Auto QA improvement return on investment calculation only factors into operational savings. Auto QA improvement ROI is based on inputting your call center's number of agents, average QA evaluator salary, number of QA evaluators, average QA supervisor salary, number of QA supervisors,  and annual CX survey costs.

By inputting your QA data, you can quickly find out how much operational savings your call center will gain using mySQM™ Auto QA software, which has a proven track record for helping clients improve Csat and reduce costs. It only takes a few minutes to calculate your Auto QA improvement ROI.

Example ROI Calculation Report

mySQM™ Auto QA ROI Calculator

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