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my.SQM™ Auto QA/CX

Transforming Call Centers with GenAI-Powered QA & CX Analytics Solution

Analyze 100% of customer calls with our auto QA/CX analytics tool, benchmark your QA metrics to top-performing call centers, and predict customer satisfaction for every call with up to 95% accuracy.

Trusted by the Best Companies

For Call Centers

#1 Ranked QA Tool on
G2 for User CSat

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SQM's Auto QA

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Stars on G2 for my.SQM™ Auto QA Tool Reviews

Our Story

Since 1996, SQM Group has been a recognized leader specializing in call center quality assurance and customer experience analytics.

Our mySQM™ automated QA solution is ranked as the #1 QA Tool on G2 reviews for user satisfaction across the Americas.

What sets SQM apart from its competition is our mySQM™ Auto QA & CX analytics solution, powered by proprietary technology that:

  • Evaluates up to 100% of customer interactions using AI.
  • Accurately measures and benchmarks QA metrics against top call centers.
  • Predicts customer satisfaction for every call with up to 95% accuracy.

Furthermore, SQM’s auto QA is more accurate and fair for evaluating agent CX delivery than surveys and traditional QA.

The Business Case for my.SQM™ Auto QA/CX Analytics Solution

Using my.SQM™ Auto QA/CX analytics tool, our clients' financial ROI is up to 600%, and clients improve their CSat/FCR performance and reduce repeat calls. Improve Call Center Customer Experience

Case studies show that implementing my.SQM™ QA/CX analytics solution has helped businesses:

  • Increase Customer Satisfaction by 40%
  • Improve First Call Resolution by 40%
  • Reduce Repeat Calls by 35%
personalized agent dashboard

Personalized Agent Dashboards

Customer satisfaction, first call resolution, mySQM™ QA Score benchmarking, and ranking data are captured and reported in real-time through mySQM™ QA personalized agent dashboards.

Great agent and supervisor performance is awarded and certified.

quality assurance dashboard

Post-Call Customer Satisfaction Prediction QA Model: A Game-Changer

Proprietary Post-Call Customer Satisfaction Prediction QA Model Based on AI and Regression Analysis to Predict Agent CSat Score Derived from a QA Evaluation.

quality assurance dashboard

Auto & Manual QA Scoring

mySQM™ QA uses auto-scoring to determine QA and predict customer satisfaction benchmarkable scores for 100% of evaluated calls.

mySQM™ QA uses automated and manual call center QA methods to capture, analyze, and report on call quality for:

  1. Customer service,
  2. Call compliance, and
  3. Meta data

The CX sentiment, compliance, meta, and benchmark data insights help transform your QA program to provide great CX, lower costs, protect the business, and predict CSat.

call center agent reciving rewards

Real-time Recognition to Motivate Agents

Through mySQM™ QA, agents receive award points based on post-call surveys and QA performance to motivate them to deliver great CX. Award points earned are captured in real-time, converted to dollars, and redeemed using an SQM debit card to financially recognize excellent performance.

AI self-coaching dashboard

AI-Generated Agent Self-Coaching

mySQM™ Agent Self-Coaching uses AI-generated personalized suggestions to empower and enable them to improve their Csat and QA performance.

Agent Self-Coaching allows them to take ownership of their performance.

my.SQM™ Auto QA ROI Calculator

Discover Your Savings in Minutes

Automate QA to Improve Csat and Reduce Costs to Score

my.SQM™ automated QA tool can lead to an ROI of up to 600%, improve customer satisfaction scores, and reduce repeat calls by up to 10%.

Increased Efficiency: Call centers with effective QA practices achieve a 5-15% higher FCR rate, resulting in fewer callbacks and, on average, operational savings of $286,000 for every 1% improvement in FCR. With every 1% improvement in FCR, customer satisfaction rates improve 1%.